Lock lock handles

Lock Lock Handles are the ultimate defense against break-ins.


Uncompromising Security: Lock Lock Handles.

SheffLOCK Sheffield locksmiths offers state-of-the-art Lock Lock handles to provide unparalleled protection for your home.

Elevate Your Home's Security with Lock Lock

These high-security handles are engineered to deter and defeat intruders.

Key Features of Lock Lock Handles:

  • Patented Lock-Block Technology: Prevents forced entry attempts.
  • TS007 2 and PAS024 Certified: *Proven security against common attack methods.
  • Robust Construction: Durable materials and reinforced design for maximum strength.
  • User-Friendly Design: Easy to operate and visually appealing.
  • Enhanced Security Features: Luminous lock indicator and audible confirmation.

SheffLOCK: Sheffield Locksmiths - Securing Your Home, Safeguarding Your Peace of Mind.


7AM - 8PM | Monday- Friday

7AM - 4PM | Saturday

10AM - 6PM | Sunday